BIG BAYOU ISLE ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The largest island, connected by the Big Treecut Bridge to Falcon Rise and by a smaller bridge to Mossy Mire Isle. The saltmarsh has several inlets of saltwater.

BIG TREECUT BRIDGE ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

A long, water-sodden bridge that connects Falcon Rise to Big Bayou Isle. It was clearly made by twolegs, but seems to have been forgotten enough by them that it is no longer as well maintained. Several holes in the planks can be seen, and even half a missing plank or two. It creaks underfoot especially under the weight of the occasional visiting twolegs that bring with them large metal boxes, poles, and strings they throw out into the freshwater hoping to catch a few fish.

MOSSY MIRE ISLE ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The second largest island, Mossy Mire has the murkiest bracken water of all the isles. It doesn't have as many exposed creeks or ponds as Big Bayou, as Mossy Mire has more water beneath the soft ground. Overgrown ivy is commonly found here as well as varying species of insects and fish. Smaller water-fowl are common here, but the denseness of the trees on this island make it large for any bird of prey or large predator to hunt here.

WILLOWTREE WETLAND ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Tall and mighty willow trees that reside in the Willowtree Wetland is what gives this island its namesake. Most are grayish year round, but the hottest season brings with it more color vibrancy in shades of soft purples and greens. The ground is softest here than the other isles and has more ponds than inlets or river streams.

FERNY FEN ISLE ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The smallest and most tropical of the Everglade Isles, Ferny Fen has dense trees that have overgrown and intermingled their branches, forming long and wide canopies over the earthy floor. The ground is the most firm here than all of the other islands, having only a few ponds, as its primary water source as narrow and shallow creeks that run through it. The water that can be found in Ferny Fen is so clear you can see your reflection.


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